How it works

How does VAKOVAKO work from the user side?

Everything is intuitive, simple, transparent and free.

In our feed, you will find current events and relevant topics worth paying attention to. At your discretion, you can respond by making a contribution, either as a one-time or regular donation. At the same time, you can also choose to support one of our key impact areas —  rainforests, oceans, biodiversity, endangered species, and humanity — or specific accredited nonprofit organization. Within the application, you will also receive news and updates as to how your donations are directly supporting these projects, causes, and nonprofits.

You can find a complete overview of your donation history and portfolio under your profile. All users are able to apply for a tax credit certificate every year.

How does the VAKOVAKO application work?

We aggregate all user payments and, using the most cost-effective methods and routes, send 100% of these contributions to targeted projects and nonprofits that our users choose to support. Everything happens on our transparent bank accounts, under the supervision of an auditor. All transactions, allocations, statistics and impact information is made public as part of our published quarterly reports.

What is the difference between supporting a non-profit and supporting an area?

In the VAKOVAKO application, you can directly support approximately 20 nonprofit organizations operating around the world. And you have full autonomy over how much to donate. If you choose to support an entire impact area, VAKOVAKO will send your donations (one-time or recurring) to where they are most needed at any given moment. You can then see where your money ultimately went in our published reports.

VAKOVAKO tries to be the most efficient helper for those who want to help themselves.

What if you want to make a donation with a value of over $1,000?

If you want to contribute with larger amounts, please contact us at At the moment, we only accept individual donations over $1,000 directly to a bank account, taking into account the possible transaction costs that you will help us save. Thank you.