The Magic of Mangroves

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The future of our planet may rest upon one species: mangroves. But 50% of these precious forests are already gone — here’s why.

Is it a tree? Is it a shrub? Is it an ethereal forest biome? Depending on how you look at it — mangroves are all three. With their stilted roots rising above brackish waters and woody thickets weaving like that of a many-roped plait; mangroves embody the mysticism and wonder of the natural world. Just what hides behind the tangles and beneath the canopies — and could it all be lost in a few decades time?

What are mangroves?

Mangroves are a unique kind of tree and shrub that has adapted to living in narrow coastal strips and salty waters — their roots contain a complex filtration system that expends 90% of the salt from the seawater absorbed. There are between 50-80 mangrove species, but all thrive best in similar places: low oxygen and high salt concentrations. Mangroves can be found all over the world, with the largest concentration found in Southeast Asia (20% of which is in Indonesia), North America, Central America and the Caribbean.

Why are mangroves important?

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