Happy International Polar Bear Day!

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Polar bears are some of the most iconic animals on the planet. But this year, they need our help more than ever before — here’s why.

More than anything, International Polar Bear Day is a celebration of family and the important roles polar bears play in the Arctic and rest of the world. It raises awareness of the challenges that polar bears face, those which are making it increasingly more difficult for them to survive in the wild, particularly for cubs, only half of which survive their first year.

These are the biggest threats to polar bears today:

  1. Climate change — warming temperatures and loss of sea ice habitat, have resulted in fewer opportunities to feed, lower reproductive and nursing abilities, and higher cub mortality rates.
  2. Toxic pollutants — ingested from the food polar bears consume. Not only do these chemicals impact polar bear growth, reproduction and immunity, they also cause a bear’s milk to contain toxic chemicals that poison cubs.
  3. Human activity — oil and gas exploration disrupts bear dens, reduces insulation and poisons polar bears.

INTERNATIONAL POLAR BEAR DAY exists because polar bears are still in critical need of your help. With VAKOVAKO, you can save a polar bear with just one click of a button. Don’t wait — support organizations like Re:wild, WILD Foundation or Wildlife Conservation Society.