Secrets in the Canopies

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Uncover the secrets trees keep and learn how you can help preserve their future.

WORLD RAINFOREST DAY is on 22 June. To celebrate, let’s talk about the overlooked (and surprising) world of trees.

It’s well known that the rainforest is vital for the health of our planet — but did you know that the trees of the rainforest hold secrets? Coined the “lungs of the planet,” the rainforest plays an essential role in the maintenance of our planet’s environment. Over 40,000 species of trees that play a crucial role for the sustained health of our planet can be found in rainforests around the world. Rainforests consists of four layers — the emergent, canopy, understory, and forest floor. Each lush layer works together to provide a home for millions of species; ranging from fungi to Capuchin monkeys. The trees of the rainforest provide life to Earth beyond their own ecosystem. With trees covering over 6 million square kilometers of the Earth, every tree in the rainforest works together to help filter the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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